Our CBI Family cherishes our deep connections to our brothers and sisters in Israel. We regularly host various lectures related to Israel and her people, history, culture and politics. Recent guest speakers included Rachel Korazim on modern Israeli poetry, Dr. Ephraim Kam, Deputy Head of the Institute for National Security Studies, Akiva Tor, former Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Northwest region, and political editor for the Jewish Journal, Shmuel Rosner. These lecture gatherings are often cosponsored by the East Bay JCRC, where several CBI members have played key leadership roles over the years.
Every Shabbat, we recite a prayer for the welfare of Israel and those who protect her. On Yom HaZikaron, CBI hosts a community-wide memorial for Israel’s fallen soliders and victims of acts of terror. Our gathering is followed by marking Israel’s Independence Day with a communal celebration and the singing of Hallel.