Daf Hashavuah June 21, 2014 & RSVP For Shabbat Shalem Dinner Friday, June 27, 8 pm
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Shabbat Shalem
A complete Shabbat experience including communal learning and meal, activities for children, and joyful Shabbat celebration together

Scholar-In-Residence Rabbi Michael Hattin
Friday & Saturday, June 27th – 28th

Michael Hattin is a master teacher of Tanakh at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and serves as the Director of the Beit Midrash for the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators. He studied for semicha at Yeshivat Har Etzion and holds a professional degree in architecture from the University of Toronto. Michael is the author of “Passages: Text and Transformation in the Parasha”, published by Urim Publications in 2012 and the forthcoming “Joshua: The Challenge of the Promised Land” to be published by Koren Publishers in 2014. He has served as scholar-in-residence in many communities in North America and Europe and lives in Alon Shevut with his Rivka and their five children.

Friday, June 27^th
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat
8:00 p.m. Shabbat dinner at CBI
RSVP by June. 24 (mailto:office@cbiberkeley.org?subject=Shabbat%20Shalem%20Dinner%20w%2FR.%20Michael%20Hattin)
$10 per child, $15 per adult,
$45 maximum per family
9:00 p.m. Text study with visiting scholar, R. Michael Hattin
Topic: “Seasons of the Soul” – The current year is a leap-year in the Jewish calendar, a system of time keeping based upon the motions of both the sun and the moon. We will investigate Biblical text, rabbinic commentary and some basic science as we try to understand not only the mechanics of synchronization but the spiritual implications as well.

Saturday, June 28th
9:30 a.m. Early Childcare
11:30 a.m. Text study with visiting scholar, R. Michael Hattin
Topic: “Fallingwater” – In this week’s parasha, Moshe strikes the rock and is condemned – surely one of the Torah’s most cryptic episodes. We will attempt to understand his indiscretion through the lens of a seemingly unrelated Midrash concerning Rabbi Akiva. Along the way, we may discover that sometimes even recalcitrant rocks can melt into life-giving waters.
12:30 p.m. Kiddush

7:00 p.m. Text study with visiting scholar, R. Michael Hattin
Topic: “Excavating the Temple Ideal” – The road to peace runs through the Temple Mount, arguably the most hotly contested site in the world. Upon its summit once stood a glorious building that was destroyed almost two thousand years ago but refuses to be forgotten by our tradition. We will first study the ordering principles that underlie the Temple’s architectonics and then employ a process of “textual excavation” to recover the Temple Ideal from among the shards that remain.
8:00 p.m. Mincha
8:15 p.m. Seudah Shlishit
9:22 p.m. Maariv and Havdalah @CBI

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