Daf Hashavuah August 30, 2014/Elul 4, 5774
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See R. Cohen’s recent article in the J Weekly: Torah: Temper Judgment with Emphathy (http://cbiberkeley.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4dc8e09c50d477798bf7b93ec&id=796cadc961&e=6fbdeda5d0)

A Special Shabbat with R. Yedidya (Julian) Sinclair
Shabbat Sept. 6

Rabbi Yedidya (Julian) Sinclair is a writer, translator, educator, environmentalist and solar energy developer. He serves as Senior Rabbinical Scholar at Hazon, the largest US Jewish environmental organization and has taught at over 40 US venues, He has also consulted to the UN on religious responses to climate change and been featured in the New York Times Magazine for his work in this area. Previously he worked as campus rabbi at Cambridge University, where he also taught Jewish Thought in the Divinity School. He holds degrees from Oxford and Harvard Universities as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination. Trained as an economist, in his day job he is Vice President for Research at Energiya Global, a leading Israeli solar company that has just developed the first-ever large-scale solar project in Sub-Saharan East Africa.

Shabbat Drash at 11:00 am
“How is this shmita year different from all other shmita years?”
Recent shmita years have degenerated into unedifying wrangling over kosher certification of fruits and vegetables. This one is shaping up to be remarkably different – a chance to enact shmita’s profound values of social equality, economic justice and environmental sustainability.
Pre-Mincha Class at 6:30 pm “Rav Kook on Teshuvah”
In Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook’s challenging, mystical teachings, he understood teshuvah to transcend regret and repentance for misdeeds and to encompass a return to personal authenticity, cosmic unity and national renewal.

A Special Evening of Learning with R. Yonatan Neril
Sunday, Sept. 7, 7:30 pm
Rabbi Yonatan Neril founded and directs The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and its branches Jewish Eco Seminars and Eco Israel Tours. A native of California, he completed an M.A. and B.A. from Stanford University with a focus on global environmental issues, and received rabbinical ordination in Israel. He has spoken internationally on religion and the environment, and organized two interfaith environmental conferences in Jerusalem in which religious leaders of several faiths spoke. He is the lead author and general editor of two publications on Jewish environmental ethics including Uplifting People and Planet: 18 Essential Jewish Teachings on the Environment and was a Dorot and PresenTense Fellow. He lives with his wife, Shana, and son, Shacharya, in Jerusalem.
In advance of the People’s Climate March in Manhattan on September 21st– billed as the largest climate march in history– we will explore Jewish teachings that relate to environmental sustainability and responsibility. How can we draw on our 3,000 year old tradition to help address our most pressing challenges?

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